Shoppers have a tendency to buy more whenever they see a good deal online. Encourage repeat purchases via credit cards with PromoPay, a card promotion solution developed by SiamPay which enables merchants to run promotional campaigns and offer special discounts during the checkout process to stimulate online sales.
PromoPay helps you convert more site visitors into paying customers by giving you the capability to implement countless discounts and limited-time promotions.
PromoPay lets you occasionally offer discounts that encourage repeat purchases and continued customer loyalty among online shoppers.
PromoPay helps you exceed customer expectations by providing shoppers with deals that allow them get more out of their money’s worth.
Run multiple promotions and monitor each campaign’s performance with ease in one platform.
Define your campaign’s specific parameters such as discount types, discount rates, minimum charges and more.
Engage more consumers by offering discounts in either Thai or English for a wider market reach.