Not everyone has a bank account or credit card to transact online. To help merchants reach these untapped markets, SiamPay offers PayCash – a payment processing service that enables merchants to accept payments in cash from thousands of bank and non-bank payment centers located across Thailand.
Acquire new customers by enabling non-credit card holders and unbanked individuals to easily make payments online using cash.
Cash payments are absolutely a safe alternative payment option as it doesn’t require any sensitive bank information or credit card detail.
Start taking cash payments in as fast as 5 days with our seamless integration process that doesn’t require any technical knowledge.
Our vast payment network allows your customers to pay conveniently with cash at any of our bank and non-bank payment partner across Thailand.
PayCash has a built-in automated system which double checks all payment reference numbers across our bank and non-bank partners to prevent incorrect deposits.
Allow customers to easily track the status of their cash payments via an email link or with a widget that you can add to your website.